Why Fresh Ingredients Matter, The Love of Farm to Table

We all know that homemade food is delightful, but a homemade meal prepared with fresh ingredients? Delizioso! Food is a huge part of Italian culture and we pride ourselves on using the freshest ingredients possible. Not only does it have amazing health benefits, but you save money, and it produces a better flavor, which makes for all the more satisfied tummies.
1. Your body will thank you for it.
While food should be enjoyable, you have to be mindful of what you put into your body. Fueling yourself with processed foods can be very detrimental for your health in the long run. A tip for this is to buy local and buy organic for fresh farm table ingredients. Some common Italian food ingredients that you can find at your local farmer’s market or grocer are:
o Olive Oil
o Garlic
o Dark Greens
o Beans
o Tomatoes
2. Eating fresh doesn’t always mean expensive.
Often times you come across those who say that eating fresh is way too expensive and they can’t afford it. Sometimes there is no way around the cost; however, here a a couple of tips to eat fresh while on a budget:
o Buy local
o Buy organic
o Buy in season
3. Flavor out of this world!
Robust flavors are at the heart of Italian food and using fresh ingredients is the best way to make those flavors the star of any dish. We encourage you to forego the shortcuts, leave the canned tomato sauce on the shelf and experience Italian food the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
Come experience a Little Italy Cooking Class where you will use only the freshest of ingredients to prepare a down home Italian meal.